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地球白天时间越来越长 670万年增加1分钟‘皇冠428428娱乐娱城(官方)网站/网页版登录入口/手机版最新下载’

作者:皇冠428428娱乐娱城 发布时间:2025-01-15 05:33:02 次浏览

Earths days are getting longer but youre not likely to notice any time soon — it would take about 6.7 million years to gain j

本文摘要:Earths days are getting longer but youre not likely to notice any time soon — it would take about 6.7 million years to gain just one minute, according to a study published last Wednesday.据上周三发布的一份报告表明,地球的白天时间正在显得更加宽,不过人类很难感觉到--因为约要等670年才减少1分钟。

Earths days are getting longer but youre not likely to notice any time soon — it would take about 6.7 million years to gain just one minute, according to a study published last Wednesday.据上周三发布的一份报告表明,地球的白天时间正在显得更加宽,不过人类很难感觉到--因为约要等670年才减少1分钟。Over the past 27 centuries, the average day has lengthened at a rate of about +1.8 milliseconds (ms) per century, a British research team concluded in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society A.据英国一研究团队在《英国皇家学会学报》上公布的报告称之为,在最近的27个世纪里,每个世纪的白昼平均值缩短了约1.8毫秒。This was significantly less, they said, than the rate of 2.3 ms per century previously estimated — requiring a mere 5.2 million years to add one minute.该小组的研究人员明确指出,这“大大多于”之前被指出的每个世纪减少2.3毫秒。

人们当时指出“只”须要520万年就不会减少一分钟。Its a very slow process, study lead co-author Leslie Morrison, a retired astronomer with Royal Greenwich Observatory, told AFP.报告的作者之一、皇家格林尼治天文台卸任天文学家莱斯.莫里森向法新社透漏:这是一个十分较慢的过程。These estimates are approximate, because the geophysical forces operating on the earths rotation will not necessarily be constant over such a long period of time, he specified. Intervening Ice Ages etcetera will disrupt these simple extrapolations.他说明说道,这个预估只是相似的,因为推展地球角速度的力量在如此宽的一段时间内并非一成不变。

冰河时代的介入等其他因素不会超越这些非常简单的推理小说。The previous 2.3 ms estimate had been based on calculations of the moons known earth-braking forces, causing the ocean tides.之前估计的2.3秒的结果就是基于未知的月球引力引发海洋潮汐来预估的。Factors which influence the earths rotation include the moons braking effect, earths altering shape due to shrinking polar ice caps since the last Ice Age, electro-magnetic interactions between the mantle and core, and changes in the mean sea level, said the team.该团队回应,影响地球旋转的因素还包括月球的制动器力,自冰河世纪以来极地冰川消融导致的地球形状的转变,地幔和地核的电磁相互作用以及海平面的变化等。



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